AVMSD Database
European Audiovisual Observatory


All translations are unofficial texts provided for by the European Audiovisual Observatory in cooperation with the European Commission.

They only serve the purpose of being an information source; neither the European Audiovisual Observatory, nor the Council of Europe, nor the European Commission or any other institution involved in this project guarantee that the translations correspond to the original versions of the laws or that they are free of errors. Therefore, evidently, the translations lack all legal value and they do not imply any legal assessment as to whether or not the transposing provisions in their original version comply with the EU regulatory framework.

The original legal acts implementing the AVMS Directive in the Member States were retrieved from official national notifications to the European Commission. Neither the European Audiovisual Observatory, nor the Council of Europe, nor the European Commission or any other institution involved in this project guarantee that they constitute the entire range of legislation or other measures taken by a Member State in transposition of the AVMS Directive. The making available of the original legal acts through the AVMS database also lacks any implication on the question of whether or not the EU regulatory framework has been correctly transposed by a Member State.

The original, as well as the translated version of the legal acts, are available from the “AVMSDatabase” at:http://avmsd.obs.coe.int/.

The AVMSDatabase, managed by the European Audiovisual Observatory, is supported by the CREATIVE EUROPE programme of the European Union.